Wednesday 15 November 2023

CBSE Geography: INDUSTRIES Class 8

 Chapter 05 – Industries Notes


Industrial activities are divided in three sectors – Primary sector, Secondary sector and tertiary sector.

The industry is an economic activity responsible for delivering us valuable finished goods that we use in our daily lives. For example, even the smallest of things, a pencil or paper has to go through more than one type of industry to develop into a finished product. Read below to know more about the classification and significance of industries.

A. Importance of Manufacturing 

i. Industries add value to raw materials and turn them into usable finished products.

ii. Industries help to modernize the primary sector as it assists in creating jobs in the secondary and tertiary sectors. 

iii. It reduces poverty and unemployment rates. 

iv. Manufacturing industries boost trade and commerce, which brings in foreign exchange.

v. It contributes to the progress of the country by improving the economy.


B. Factors affecting location of industries:

Location : The location of an industry is affected by the availability of several things—

    i. Capital: How much capital can be gained after investment and how much capital will be required to sustain the business in the location - all of these factors determine the location which will require the least capital, most favourable for industrial development. 

    ii. Raw Material: If the location has raw materials easily available, it is ideal for the industries as raw materials form the backbone of any industry. 

    iii. Market: The location should have a booming market nearby so the industries can sell their products easily. These markets should have both national and international connections.

    iv. Government Policies: The government-made rules and regulations regarding imports, exports, and other traffic also determine the location of an industry. 

    v. Power: This refers to the availability of electricity in that location. Power is essential for industrial machinery to function and produce goods. Uninterrupted power increases the productivity of the factory. 

    vi. Labour: Cheap labour should be readily available to work in the industry. The workforce is necessary to operate its machines and also to oversee the administrative work. 


In generation, the availability of raw material, land, water, labour, power, capital, transport and market are the factors and market are the factor affecting the location of industries. Industrialisation leads to development and growth of towns and cities. Before setting up of any industry proper assessement is done by authorities and then it is permitted. In this era when global warming is occuring at faster pace, much attention is to be given to environment aspect.

C. Industrial System:

  • An industrial system consists of inputs, processes and outputs.
  • Raw materials, labour and costs of land, transport, power and other infrastructure are the inputs.
  • The processes include a wide range of activities that convert the raw materials into finished products.
  • The result or the outputs are the end of product and income earned from it.
  • Industrial set ups also depends on the political will.

D. Industrial Regions:

  • Industrial regions emerge when a number of industries locate close to each other and share the benefits of their closeness.
  • Major industrial regions tend to be located in the temperate areas, near sea ports and especially near coal-fields.
  • Major industrial regions of the world are eastern North America, western and Central Europe, eastern Europe and eastern Asia.

  • Industrial regions depends on technological advancement of a country too.
  • Now industrial corridors are being set up by countries to utilise maximum potential. China-India economic corridor is one of the such examples.

E. Distribution of Major Industries:

  • The iron and steel industry, the textile industry and the information technology industry are world’s major industries.
  • Iron and steel industries are located in Germany, USA, China, Japan and Russia.
  • In India the industrial regions are Mumbai-Pune cluster, Bangalore-Tamil Nadu region, Hugli region, Ahmadabad-Baroda region, etc.
  • The Silicon valley of Central California and Bangaluru region of India are the major hubs of information technology industry.
  • In India Iron and Steel industry base is found at Chota Nagpur Plateau which is rich in mineral resources.

 1. Classification of Industries 

 There are several grounds on which industries are classified. Based on raw materials, industries can be classified into the following types:

a. Agro-Based Industries: Here plant and animal-based products serve as raw materials to produce finished products. For instance, food processing, dairy products, vegetable oil, cotton textile industries, etc. 

b. Mineral-Based Industries: These primary industries involve the usage of ores of various minerals as their raw materials. Finished goods from these industries are used as raw materials for other industries. For instance, iron, an outcome of mineral-based industry, is used to make heavy machinery, tools, etc. 

c. Marine-Based Industries: These industries use products obtained from the oceans and seas as raw materials. For instance, industries that process seafood or manufacture fish oil. 

d. Forest-Based Industries: These are industries employing forest produce as raw material. For instance, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, furniture industries. 

ii. Based on capital investment, industries are of the following types:

a. Small Scale Industries: These are industries using a lesser amount of capital and technology. For example, silk weaving and food processing industries. 

b. Large Scale Industries: These are industries involved in the production of large volumes of products as the investment of capital is higher and the technology used is superior. For example, automobiles production and heavy machinery industries. 

iii. Based on ownership, industries are of the following types:

a. Public Sector Industries: These are industries that are owned as well as operated by the government. For example, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.

b. Private Sector Industries: These are industries that have individuals or a group of individuals owning and operating them. For example, ITC Limited and Reliance Industries Limited. 

c. Joint Sector Industries: These are industries owned and operated both by the state and individuals or a group of individuals. For example, Maruti Udyog Limited. 

d. Cooperative Sector Industries: These are industries that are under the ownership and operation of producers or suppliers of raw materials, workers, or both. For example, AMUL, Sudha Dairy, etc. 

2. Explainations of each type of industries

   A. Agro-Based Industries : Textile Industries, Sugar Industry and Leather Industries.

      (i). Textile Industry: It is the only industry in India, which is both self-reliant and thorough in the value chain. It generates employment, industrial production, and foreign exchange. Textile industries are locate in India, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

        a. Cotton Textiles: This was based on cotton, Jute, flax and silk. It links workers who work in weaving, designing, ginning, packaging, spinning, sewing, tailoring, and cotton ball plucking and agriculture. Until the industrial revolution took place, cotton cloth was made from looms or hand spinning wheels. The USA, China, India, and Japan are the most crucial cotton-producing countries. It was the year 1854 when in Mumbai the first successful mechanized cotton mill was established.Ahmadabad comes second in terms of textile production after Mumbai and it is also known as ‘Manchester of India’.Osaka is known as ‘Manchester of Japan’.

         b. Jute Textiles: The largest manufacturer of jute goods and raw jute is none other than our country India. Several mills are located in West Bengal, mainly along the banks of the Hugli river. Most importantly, jute was employed for making textiles in the Indus valley civilization since the third millennium BC. 

    (ii). Sugar Industry: India is the world's second producer of sugar. The sugar industry includes certain stages like the production of sugars, their processing, and finally marketing. This industry is seasonal in nature.

3. Mineral-Based Industry 


i. Iron and Steel Industry: Heavy, medium, and light industries depend on the iron and steel industry for primary machinery. In India, iron and steel industry has developed taking advantages of raw materials, cheep labour, transport and market. Bhilai ( Chhattisgarh), Jamshedpur ( Jharkhand), Burnpur (West Bengal) are some hotspots locations for the iron and steel industry. TISCO was the first major steel producing company in India in 1907 at Jamshedpur. The availibilty of water from subernrekha and Kharkai rivers, railways conectivity, markets presence and cheap labour provide the basis for its establishment.

 ii. Aluminum: Smelting Bauxite is the raw material employed in this industry. It is the second-most crucial metallurgical industry in India and has immensely gained popularity. 

iii. Chemical Industry: It includes both small-scale and large-scale manufacturing industries in both organic and inorganic sectors. For example, Tata chemicals Limited, UPL Limited, Atul Limited, and so on. 

iv. Fertilizer Industry: These industries focus on phosphate production, nitrogenous, ammonium phosphate, and other types of fertilizers.

v. Cement Industry: The cement industry forms the backbone of the construction sector. It is required for the construction of bridges, factories, houses, and other buildings. The cement industry contributes to the urbanisation process. This industry consumes heavy raw materials, limestone, gypsum, and silica. 

vi. Automobile Industry: It deals with the manufacturing of buses, cars, trucks, scooters, multi-utility, and three-wheelers. The transportation sector heavily depends upon this industry. The automobile industry is located in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, and other cities. Information Technology and Electronic Industry This industry covers a broad range of products ranging from televisions, cellular telecom, radars, computers, etc. It also supports the needs of the telecommunication sector. It has several employment opportunities in India. Bangalore is India’s electronic capital.

vii. Information Technology and Electronic Industry: This industry covers a broad range of products ranging from televisions, cellular telecom, radars, computers, etc. It also supports the needs of the telecommunication sector. It has several employment opportunities in India. Bangalore is India’s electronic capital.


4. Iron and Steel Industry:2 (i) explaination

5. Cotton Industry: 2A (a) explaination

6. Information Technology (IT):

Information technology industry deals in the storage, processing and distribution of information. The main factors guiding the location of these industries are resource availability, cost and infrastructure. The major hubs of the IT industry are the Silicon Valley, California and Bengaluru in India. Bengaluru is known as ‘Silicon Valley’.
IT hubs in metropolitian centres of India are Mumbai, New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Chennai. IT sector provides jobs to maximum population in service sector. Indian IT engineers and technology is considered to be best among the world.

7. Important Questions and Answers

1. Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation 


Industries cause four types of pollution. Those are as follows:

i. Air pollution 

ii. Water pollution 

iii. Land pollution 

iv. Noise pollution 

2. Control of Environmental Degradation 


Following are the ways through which industrial pollution can be decreased—

i. Minimizing water usage by reusing and recycling.

ii. Practicing rainwater harvesting 

iii. Treating effluents and hot water before discharging them in ponds and rivers.

iv. Installation of smokestacks with fabric filters, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, etc. 

v. Reduction of smoke with the use of gas and oil.

vi. Machinery can be substantially designed and updated to enhance energy efficiency and curtail noise


3. What is manufacturing?

Manufacturing can be defined as follows—

I. Manufacturing refers to activities that involve the production of goods in huge quantities.

II. By processing, it changes raw materials into valuable finished products.

III. Manufacturing activities belong to the secondary sector because goods from

the primary sector are used to make goods that are of more value to the consumers.

4. How are agriculture and industry interdependent?

The interdependence between agriculture and industry can be explained as follows—

I. Agro-based industries have enhanced the agricultural production of India by equipping them with the latest agricultural requirements like insecticides, fertilizers, irrigation pumps, PVC pipes, etc.

II. Industries also rely on agriculture to obtain essential raw materials in which they add value and sell to consumers.

5. How does the textile industry occupy a unique position in the Indian economy?

The textile industry’s occupancy of a unique position in the Indian economy can be elaborated as follows—

I. It contributes 14 % to industrial production. 

II. It employs the majority of people after the agricultural sector, 35 million to be specific.

III. It shares about 24.6% in foreign exchange earnings.

IV. It renders a 4% share in GDP.

V. This is the only industry in India, which is both self-reliant and thorough in the value chain.

6. State the factors responsible for the growth of the cotton textile industry in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

The factors responsible for the growth of the cotton textile industry in Gujarat and Maharashtra are as follows—

I. The cheap and abundant availability of raw cotton.

II. Humid climatic conditions in these regions are ideal for weaving cotton cloth without the yarn breaking.

III. Extensive transportation system which facilitates access to the ports in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

IV. Vicinity to the marketplace as cotton is ideal for wearing in humid states.

7. What are the problems faced by the cotton textile industry in India?

The problems faced by the cotton textile industry in India are as follows—

I. The irregular power supply

II. Outdated and obsolete machines used specifically in the processing and weaving sectors.

III. Low labor output

IV. Increased import of cotton boosted ingenious production

V. Stiff competition from the synthetic fiber industry

8. State the factors responsible for the concentration of the jute industry in Hooghly bank.

The factors responsible for the concentration of the jute industry in the Hooghly bank—

I. Cost-effective water transport provided by the river.

II. Abundant water to irrigate and process raw jute.

III. Easily available cheap labor from Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.

IV. Kolkata serves as a port and has large urbanization which provides insurance, banking, and other facilities.

V. Well-connected transport system network.

VI. Vicinity of the jute-producing areas to the basin.

9. Why are sugar mills located close to the fields?

Sugar mills are located close to the fields because of the following reasons—

I. Sugar mills require sugarcane as raw material but sugarcane is bulky which makes its transportation for long distances quite difficult.

II. Also, sugarcane is perishable and its sucrose content dries up. So, it can't be transported for long distances.

10. List the Uses of Aluminum.

The uses of aluminum are as follows—

I. Manufacturing of air crafts.

II. Packing material and making utensils.

III. Making wires

IV. As an ideal substitute for copper, steel, lead, and other industries.

11. What is thermal pollution?

Thermal pollution can be defined as follows—

I. Thermal pollution refers to the pollution created by untreated wastes from nuclear plants, weapons, and nuclear production facilities when those are discharged into water bodies.

II. This is also the type of pollution that causes birth defects and cancer.

12. List any three steps taken by the NTPC to preserve the natural environment and its resources.

The three steps taken by the NTPC to preserve the natural environment and its resources are as follows—

I. Decreasing waste generation by increasing ash utilization.

II. Establishing green belts to nurture and maintain ecological balance.

III. Optimizing the usage of equipment and upgrading it by adopting modern techniques








Tuesday 14 November 2023



 A. Fill in the blanks.

  1. There are Eight union territories in India.
  2. The Tropic of Cancer divides India into two halves.
  3. The Himalayas literally means abode of snow.
  4. The Lakshadweep Islands have been formed by the growth of corals.

  B. Identify who I am

  1. A river that divides the Peninsular Plateau of India into the Malwa and the Deccan plateau : Narmada.
  2. A vast sandy low-lying plain in north-west Rajasthan : The Thar Desert.
  3. Barren Island is the only volcanically active island of India.
  4. The longest river of south India : Godavari.


 C. Distinguish between each of the following pairs

Q1.  The Eastern and the Western Ghats

Western Ghats (Sahyadri) : Western Edge of the Deccan Plateau

  1. It is extend from the mouth of river Tapi (Gujarat) to Kanniyakumari (Tamil Nadu).
  2. The average height is 1,200m but in some parts it rises to 2,440 m.
  3. The Anamudi peak in Kerala, at a height of 2695 m, is the highest peak in the Western Ghats.
  4. They are continuous and regular, and can be crossed only through Passes or Gaps.
  5. They are the source of rivers that flow across the Deccan trap.
  6. They are steep and rugged mountains, and rise abruptly from the arrow Western Coastal Plains.
  7. It is lie close to the Arabian Sea.

Eastern Ghats : Eastern Edge of the Deccan Plateau

  1. They extend from the Mahanadi Valley (Odisha) up to the Nilgiri Hills (Tamil Nadu).
  2. The average height is 450 m, rarely exceeding 1,200 m, and it is lower in elevation to western ghat.
  3. Jhindhagada Peak (Andhra Pradesh) is the highest peak (1690 m) of Eastern Ghat. Formely it was Mahendragiri (1501 m) located in Odisha.
  4. They are not continuous. Many rivers flow through them like the Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna and kaveri etc.
  5. They have gentle slopes that rise from the Eastern Coastal Plains.
  6. They lie at some distance from the Bay of Bengal.

 Three triangle to remember, the Peninsular plateau, the Malwa plateau and Deccan plateau. 

#1 - Peninsular Plateau

#2 - The Malwa Plateau

 #3 - The Deccan Plateau

Q2. The Eastern and the Western Coastal Plains

Western Coastal Plains :

  1. It is stretch from Run of Kachchh in the north to Kanniya-kumari in the south.
  2. It is lie between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea.
  3. They are narrower than the Eastern Coastal Plains.
  4. They do not have deltas, only estuaries and lagoons.
  5. They have different names in different parts—they are known as the Konkan Coast in Maharashtra, The Kanara Coast in Karnataka and the Malabar Coast The Kerala.
  6. It is lie in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa. Karnataka, and Kerala.
  7. Their important ports are Kandla, Mumbai, Marmagao, Mangalore, and Kochi.

Eastern Coastal Plains :

  1. It is stretch from the mouth of the river Ganga in the north to Kanniyakumari in the south.
  2. It is lie between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal.
  3. They are wider than the Western Coastal Plains.
  4. They are composed of the deltas of all the major rivers of the Deccan.
  5. They have different names in different parts—they are known as the Northern Circars in the region north of the river Godavari and the Coromandel Coast in the region south of the river Godavari.
  6. It is lie in the states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.
  7. Their important ports are Vishakhapatnam, Paradwip, Chennai, and Tuticorin.

Q3. The Himalayan and peninsular rivers

The Himalayan Rivers :

  1. They are also called as North Indian Rivers.
  2. The three important rivers are the Ganga, the Indus and the Brahmaputra.
  3. They are longer and slow moving.
  4. They are snow fed and hence perennial.
  5. These rivers are navigable.
  6. These rivers are more suitable for irrigation.

The Peninsular Rivers :

  1. They are also called as South Indian Rivers.
  2. The six important rivers are the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna, the Kaveri, the Narmada and the Tapi.
  3. They are shorter and fast flowing.
  4. They are rain-fed and not always perennial.
  5. These rivers are not navigable.
  6. These rivers are less suitable for irrigation.

 Q4. The east and the west-flowing rivers of south India.

The east-flowing rivers of South India :

  1. The main rivers are Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri.
  2. These rivers drain into the Bay of Bengal.
  3. These rivers make deltas at their mouth.
  4. These rivers have large- amount of water.
  5. These rivers originate from the western Ghats and flow eastwards.

The West-flowing rivers of South India :

  1. The main rivers are Narmada and Tapi.
  2. These rivers drain in the Arabian Sea.
  3. These rivers do not make deltas.
  4. These rivers have less amount of water.
  5. These rivers originate in Central India and flow westwards. 


D. Answer the following questions in brief 

Q1. Do you think it is right to use the term ‘subcontinent’ for India and its neighbouring countries ? 

Yes, it is right to use the term ‘subcontinent’ for India and its neighbouring countries because although they are a part of Asia (largest continent in the world), they have developed their own distinct geographical, political, and cultural identity. This is due to the presence of  the Himalayas which serves as the protective natural barrier and isolates these countries (India, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives) from the rest of Asia. 

Trick to remember neighboring names 

 Q2. How many states and union territories does India have ? as on 2023

India has 28 states and 8 union territories(UTs), with a total of 36 entities.

The Indian States and their Capitals: 28
State Name    Capital
Andhra PradeshAmaravati
Arunachal PradeshItanagar
Himachal PradeshShimla
Madhya PradeshBhopal
Tamil NaduChennai
Uttar PradeshLucknow
UttarakhandDehradun (Winter)
Gairsain (Summer)
West BengalKolkata

The Indian Union Territories and their capitals: 8

Union Territories Name    Capital
Andaman and Nicobar Islands             Port Blair
Chandigarh            Chandigarh
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu              Daman
            New Delhi
Jammu and Kashmir      Srinagar (Summer)
        Jammu (Winter)
Puducherry           Pondicherry
Ladakh                 Leh


Q3. What do you know about the Purvanchal ranges ? 

The hills of the north-east India are collectively called the Purvanchal ranges. They lie along the eastern borders of India and separates India from Myanmar.

Their average elevation is less than 3,000 m. They consist of several hill ranges such as Patkai Bum, Naga, Mizo, Garo, Khasi and Jaintia Hills. 


 Q4. Name the three divisions of the Great Northern Plains and the rivers responsible for their formation. 

The three divisions of the Great Northern Plains are : 

1. The Ganga Plains in the centre : They are formed by the alluvial deposits of the northern mountains (Himalayas) and Peninsular plateau rivers collectively merging into the Ganga river.

(1) The Ganga river and its tributaries coming from northern mountains (Himalayas) such as Yamuna, Kosi, Ramganga, Ghaghara, Gandak and Tista.  

(2) The tributaries of the Ganga rivers coming from the Southern peninsular plateau  Son, Damodar, Sind, Betwa, Chambal.

#River draining from the northern mountains (Himalayas). 

                               "Yamuna  Ka  Rajasthani   Ghaghra   Ganda  Tha"

                          Yamuna   -   Kosi  -   Ramganga  -   Ghaghra  -  Gandhak   -   Tista

#River draining from the Southern peninsular plateau.

                                          "Son, Delhi Se Bengaluru Chalo"

                        Son   -   Damodar   -  Sind   -   Betwa   -  Chambal 

2. The Punjab Plains in the West : They are formed by the alluvial deposits of the tributaries of the rivers Indus —  Satluj, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum. It is in Punjab and Haryana. 

                                                                J- B R I C S

                            Jhelum   -   Beas  - Raavi  -  Indus   -   Chenab   - Sutluj


3. The Brahmaputra Valley in the East: It is formed by the Brahmaputra River. It lies in Assam. Dibhang, Lohit, Manas, Subhansiri are the major tributaries.


Extra Notes: (Updated)

India at a glance:


The Republic of India


New Delhi




68°7′E to 97°25′E.


37°6′N to 8°4′N


The North-South extent is 3214 km and the East-West extent is 2933 km.

Indian States


Union Territories









Sri Lanka










Official Languages

Hindi and English


Indian Rupee


1,210,854,977 (1.21 billion)

Population Density

 382 persons per


3.287 million km²

Total Coast Line of India

7,517 Km

Land Frontier

15,200 Km


2933 Km East to West

3214 Km North to South

























Himalayan Ranges


Western Ghats


Eastern Ghats


Karakoram Ranges


Aravalli Hills


Satpura Ranges

Highest point

        Kanchenjunga (8586m), Sikkim


Bay of Bengal

Seas and Ocean

Arabia Sea


Indian Ocean



Major agricultural climates





Climate of India: 


 1. Class 8 NCERT Text Books



CBSE Geography: INDUSTRIES Class 8

  Chapter 05 – Industries Notes   Industrial activities are divided in three sectors – Primary sector, Secondary sector and tertiary sector....